Dis Acedia Reboot – Back!

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while. Too long. But the wait ends today.

After two years, I can proudly say that the new version of Dis Acedia (codename “Magik”) is now available there as a weekly web serial: https://magikonline.com/

A few things before you start though.

As I explained in the last post, a lot of things didn’t work on the previous draft and so I wanted to address them in the new draft.

The current version of Dis is very much an “Ultimate Universe” if so to say. As in, it still takes place in an artificial universe called Dis, souls are still a source of magical power, Shroud is still the protagonist, Sol is still a crusader against evil, Malacoda is still a darwinian asshole intent on kickstarting Armageddon, Wyrde still schemes to erase free-will in the name of dragon supremacy, and Lazarus is still out there in some form. There are still guilds, there are ancient artifacts, there is a large unknown dimension to explore, and the themes are the same.

Yet there also major differences that will be obvious with the first chapter. The tone, the feel, the story’s direction, many elements will seem both familiar and not so much. The major changes:

  • Shroud’s character and life before he became Shroud have been massively expanded – in fact, the first chapters introduce his “normal life” as the supernatural gradually enters it. A major complain I got was that Shroud wasn’t a character one could relate to until the Lovers arc (which is very late in story). I aimed to correct that by showing his journey into the ambitious anti-hero you know him as.
  • The tone is lighter. Not light – this remains a mature story with some heartbreaking moments. But not full grimdark like the previous draft. I would say it’s more of a balance of optimism and cynicism. Yes Dis is a harsh place, but hope endures.
  • The magic system has been codified. A problem with the previous draft was that I kinda wrote myself into a corner by making Shroud’s power a bit too powerful and not constrained by clear limits. The new Dis’ magic system is organized, streamlined, and should offer a good, interesting experience.
  • More urban fantasy and sci-fi elements are introduced; while those elements were present in the former draft in a more subtle form and the story remains a fantasy one, they are now a bigger part of the setting and its conflict. I would say, if Dis Acedia was Warhammer, Magik is Warhammer 40K.
  • There is a stronger focus on the surrounding cast; while this remains Shroud’s story through and through, characters have been expanded, combined, and given a deeper backstory.
  • Different schedule. I’m sticking to a weekly release on Wednesday (with occasional bonus updates on Friday) for now so as to never miss updates, and focus on quality rather than quantity. On the plus side, that means that the story is much more tightly plotted this time.

Some will perhaps like the new direction more than the original; others less so. I implore you to keep an open mind and wait for the end of the first arc to decide whether or not you stick with it.

Next, what will happen to the old draft and the online Amazon novel? Well, for now, I will keep the website posted there as it is. While the story is incomplete, I don’t see the point in taking it down, especially if I ever find myself returning to complete the original tale (very unlikely, but possible); and I don’t want to pretend it never happened either. If anything, it keeps me motivated to do it right this time.

In any case, I love you all dear readers, and I hope you will enjoy the reboot.

Best regards,


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